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Company history

From a part-time Swiss business to an internationally active company

During his training as a zoological taxidermist, Philipp Bauer found that all taxidermy products had to be ordered abroad. The idea for a Swiss taxidermy supplies company was born. Shortly after his training as a zoological taxidermist, Philipp Bauer took over the Swiss representation of the KL-Glasaugen company. In April 1992, the first circular was sent to Swiss taxidermists. Soon other products were added, often at the request of customers, especially because many products can only be purchased in large quantities and the taxidermist, however, only needs small quantities. Through Philipp Bauer's activities and interest in exhibition and diorama construction in nature museums, more and more models were added to the sales range over the years (anatomy models, casts of reptiles and amphibians, etc.).

In 1999, Bauer Handels GmbH was founded in Switzerland (location Fehraltorf/Switzerland). Because importing the goods from the EU area was expensive and the freight costs from Switzerland to the EU deterred many customers, a branch was founded in Germany in 2011. The "dependent shipping point Germany" was opened.

With the offer to take over the distribution of the company Hauser-Tierformen, it became necessary to establish an independent company in Germany. The second Bauer Handels GmbH (location Singen/Germany) was entered in the Commercial Register Germany in November 2019.

In the meantime, the two companies employ several people and supply customers worldwide.